
What Happens If You Put Compound W On A Skin Tag

    I accept a big skin tag. It bothers me. Some websites say to get rid of information technology by putting fingernail smoothen on it, tying a thread around information technology, or using over-the-counter wart freeze. Should I endeavour that or get to a doctor? And if a medico does it, what's involved and will it injure?

    Skin tags (those soft, fleshy bumps that grow from the peel on a narrow stalk) are harmless. They don't demand to exist removed. But sometimes a skin tag can get big enough to bother a person, similar by rubbing against clothing. If a skin tag is abrasive and you want to become rid of it, run across your doctor.

    Don't try removing a skin tag on your own, specially if it'due south large. Skin tags have claret vessels and then they will drain and could go infected if a person uses not-sterile equipment to remove them. Fingernail polish and wart remover are designed for utilise on difficult skin, similar nails or warts. They're non the kinds of things to use on a skin tag.

    To avoid infection, scarring, and unnecessary hurting, see your family doc or a dermatologist. He or she can remove skin tags quickly and with very little discomfort right in the function. Your doc might snip the tag off with abrupt, sterile scissors or freeze or burn down information technology with a special solution. If the tag is small plenty, you'll feel no more than a pinprick. If it's larger, the physician will rub a numbing medication on your skin so you don't experience it.

    Peel tags ofttimes develop when we're kids. Occasionally they go away on their ain. But more often a skin tag volition stay on the skin and it may grow slowly over time.

    *Names accept been changed to protect user privacy.

Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and handling, consult your doc.
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